What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Does a Christian always have to give 10% to the church?
A Christian debate on tithe and offerings, as well as, church stewardship and first fruit tithing.
First speaking FOR the motion is the
Reverend Mike Kola Ewuosho.
www.fowm.org. His emphasis is on laying a proper foundation and character development.
And coming from a different perspective
is Russell Earl Kelly, PHD. www.tithing-russkelly.com. And he is from Georgia.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
10 things about tithing that
are gone:
1) the tithe that went to the Levitical servants
is gone.
2) The tithe went to the Old Covenant
priests; that is gone.
3) The definition of tithe was food from God’s holy
land of Israel; that’s gone.
4) The tithe went
to the Levitical cities; that’s gone.
5) The tithe was Old Covenant;
that’s gone. Hebrews 7 says the tithe was
disannulled; that’s gone.
6) The Hebrews at least are dead to the law;
that’s gone.
7) I as a Gentile never was under
the law; wow, that’s gone. At Calvary the Bible says that Jesus nailed
the ordinances to the cross. He did away with
the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. Tithing was an
believe it or not, in Numbers 18. That’s
8) The temple is gone.
9) The priesthood is gone.
10) The Old Covenant
temple and
priesthood that caused the Levitical
priesthood to be supported by tithes is now both indwelling me. I am the
Temple of God.
I am a priest before God and I do not tithe
to myself. It’s gone.
. And, therefore, I conclude that tithing is also gone. Russell Earl Kelly