
vendredi 23 novembre 2012

Cameroun: Odile Ngaska - Romeo Dika dans Parfum d'Adoration

Les musiciens Chrétiens camerounais sont fermés et peu professionels, d'où leur manque d'evolution et de competitivité sur le plan international...

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

"if I came today to take my Bride...I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU." Listen to the testimony to know why Jesus Said that to Pastor John Mulinde

Renowned Uganda Pastor John Mulinde with a "successful ministry" in saving many souls, many healed and many delivered was SHOCKED when JESUS told him "if I came today to take my Bride...I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU." At that moment, he said "ALL HIS THEOLOGIES COULD NOT ACCEPT THAT", but JESUS is still saying: "I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU." Will YOU be like HIM when JESUS RETURNS?

Please watch the whole testimony, it will really make you think and hopefully bring you to your KNEES in HUMILITY in DEEP REPENTANCE.

There is so much lies and the spirit of the Anti-Christ floating around videos / FB messages / false grace preaching on the internet and in the churches that SOUNDS GOOD when in fact they are absolutely false. The devil is using these false teachings to MAKE MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS (who think they are ready to see God) to be ABSOLUTELY LEFT BEHIND when all of this happens (which will be ANYTIME NOW). Please examine yourself honestly today, please everyone.


jeudi 8 novembre 2012

L'Ere de l'émergence des compagnies prophétiques avec le Prophète Joël Francis Tatu

L'Ere de l'émergence des compagnies prophétiques avec le Prophète Joël Francis Tatu

DÉJA LES TROMPETTES SONT À LA BOUCHE: l' enlèvement de l'église de Jésus Christ est proche

Le dernier appel avant l' enlèvement de l'église de Jésus Christ.
Au son de la trompette ...
Nous ne connaissons ni le jour ni l'heure seule la saison nous la connaissons.

Témoignage sur l'enlèvement par soeur Mysdaline Derival. Témoignage d'un songe qu'elle a reçu, sur l'enlèvement.